By Joy Vann

教育心理学, 科学教育, identity development and multimedia learning are 最靠谱的网赌软件 professor Joanna Garner’s specialties. 这些概念以“改变你的比赛:Cambia Tu Juego”的形式形成,” an exhibition that opened in the Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Hall of Invention at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C., on March 15.

Garner, ODU教育合作中心的执行主任, 与一个多学科研究小组一起在这个项目上工作了五年, curators, historians and designers to create the exhibit which examines the intersection of sports and innovation.

“大约10年前, I began to seriously think about how we can use museum exhibitions more effectively as learning environments where visitors, 不管他们是学生还是成年人, can learn content and can also see the world and themselves differently because of those visits,” she said. 

位于华盛顿特区的史密森尼国家美国历史博物馆.C.在“改变你的游戏:Cambia Tu Juego”于3月开幕后,美国主办了Field Day. 社区和青年组织应邀参加展览, 尝试着创造新游戏, 参观邻近的星火!实验室发明教育空间,并会见前NFL球员和企业家肖恩·斯普林斯. 图片来源:Smithsonian Photo by Jaclyn Nash

大约在同一时间, 加纳开始与阿维·卡普兰合作, a professor of educational psychology at the College of Education and Human Development at Temple University in Philadelphia. 他们关于身份探索的理论, along with projects at the 巴里艺术博物馆 at ODU and the Wagner Free Institute of Science in Philadelphia, caught the eye of curators at the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, who envisioned a multimedia exhibition to explore how sports have evolved through the innovations of athletes, 发明家和技术专家.

“勒梅尔森中心, 是NMAH内部的吗, wanted to develop an exhibition that would showcase the connections between sports and invention including the ways that invention and innovation have changed sports to be more competitive, 更包容、更公平,” Garner said. “They also wanted the exhibition to help diverse visitors to see themselves as being inventive, 不仅仅是在体育领域, 而是在日常生活中. So, 这是一种利用博物馆内容的新颖方法, artifacts, 故事和发明者本身.”

加纳帮助获得了1美元.400万美元促进非正式科学学习 获得了美国国家科学基金会的资助来推进这个项目. In 2020, 来自包括勒梅尔森中心在内的团队的大约50人, 美国国家历史博物馆和ROTO, 一家位于俄亥俄州的展览设计公司, 开始建造它.

“As researchers, we combined our theoretical model of identity and the design principles that we have for promoting identity exploration with specific strategies that we had already tested in informal learning settings,” Garner said.

“与策展人和设计师一起工作, 我们都来分享这个共同的语言和共同的框架. Then, 有了设计原则和策略的理论, 我们把这些付诸行动,让它们不再只是抽象的概念, 而是要为展览创造具体的组成部分, including selected main ideas to present to the visitors describing specific inventive strategies that anyone can use.”

The result is a 3,500 square-foot exhibition featuring more than 60 sports technology inventions. 它分为六个探索区域,包括起跑线, Competitive Edge, 健康与安全, 公平与准确, 趣味性、易用性和终点区.

Garner said the bilingual exhibition is an interactive experience thanks to  videos and touchscreen activities that allow visitors to practice being inventive. It also is set to energizing music “that makes people feel like they are entering a space that is filled with possibilities.”

Among the artifacts is an early iteration of the sports bra from the 1970s; a camera used by the U.S. Open during the pandemic to automate line calls; Gatorade sports beverage; and prostheses that allow athletes with amputations to compete in sports.

另一个特色发明是Crash Cloud, 一种泡沫填充物,用于减轻运动员头部的脑震荡. 它是由Windpact公司生产的, 这是一家由前国家橄榄球联盟球员肖恩·斯普林斯创立的科技公司.

Springs, 威廉斯堡人, conceived of the product after discovering that helmet technology had changed little from the days when his father played in the NFL. Additionally, he’d witnessed the effectiveness of the material in child car seats when his family was in a car accident. 这两种不同的认识促使他开发了Crash Cloud.

“Shawn's story is important because it demonstrates this motivation of wanting to keep people safe, 让运动和日常生活更安全,” Garner said. 他环顾世界, 认识到问题, 用他在生活中一个领域的知识来解决生活中另一个领域的问题, 这是一个非常有创意的策略,我们都可以使用.”

他还重视团队合作, so he encourages his team of technologists and engineers to work together and to embrace failure, 不断尝试,坚持不懈. Those are elements to invention and innovation that we can also use in our everyday lives. So, he has a solution-oriented outlook on life and strong motivations to continue as an entrepreneur and inventor.”

随着展览初具规模, 原标题, “Game Changers,” didn’t quite fit as the team realized that it alluded more to the high-level inventors rather than to the general public. Instead, 改变你的游戏,” Garner said, invited the museum goer to participate in the conversation and apply the principles of invention to their lives.

In the End Zone, the final section of the exhibit, visitors view ideas for the inventions of others. They are also encouraged to discover their own “inventive identity” by tapping into their problem-solving and critical thinking skills to add their own idea to the project.

“There's so many examples of the public's inventiveness and I think one of the wonderful things about this exhibition is that it removes those barriers to people thinking of themselves as being inventive and it also allows them to share their inventive ideas,” Garner said.

上图:乔安娜·加纳, 最靠谱的网赌软件教育合作中心的执行主任, 肖恩·斯普林斯谈话, 科技公司Windpact的创始人兼首席执行官,前NFL球员, during the opening week of the 改变你的游戏 | Cambia Tu Juego” exhibition at the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. 图片来源:Smithsonian Photo by Jaclyn Nash