
追求真理:负责任地阅读. 批判性的思考., is intended to address information fluency by increasing students' ability to read critically.

信息流畅性是一种解释能力, 沟通, 解决问题, and create across a variety of situations in a media-rich, 数据驱动的, 全球信息生态系统.

Since critical reading is an essential vehicle for evaluating information in various formats, 解决问题, and creatively integrating knowledge into a wide range of contexts to achieve information fluency, faculty workshops and a 社区 of Practice will be launched to cultivate these critical reading abilities in students.


The Southern Association of 大学 and 学校 Commission on 大学 (SACSCOC) requires institutions at reaffirmation to develop a QEP.


  1. 专注于一个特定的话题

  2. 得到校园社区的支持和支持

  3. 来自机构评估

  4. 对学生的学习成果有明确的目标吗

  5. 评估其有效性和效率


  1. Gather data from faculty, staff, students, alumni, and employers

  2. Collaborate with 制度的有效性 and 评估

  3. Compile the data and write a QEP report to submit for evaluation






2023小组委员会收费 & 会员

QEP Committee 成员 help with the research and development of a new Quality Enhancement Plan student learning initiative as part of the SACSCOC accreditation and reaffirmation process. 成员 of the committee include representatives from each of the six colleges as well as the university libraries.


  1. *品质提升计划小组成员
  2. *质量提升计划(QEP)负责人
  3. *** 社区 of Practice (CoP) indicates a collaborative community to enhance skills for teaching Information Fluency and Critical Reading.


  1. Identify disciplinary definitions of Information Fluency (IF) and Critical Reading (CR)
  2. Clarify the relationship between IF and CR specifically how CR contributes to/facilitates IF
  3. Identify top experts in IF and CR and assist in identifying potential QEP consultants in these areas
  4. Write QEP document section pertaining to topical research


  • *Lucy Wittkower(主席),图书馆
  • 乔琳·麦克尼斯,图书馆
  • 伊丽莎白·温切莱特,英语
  • Stacie Ringleb,机械和航空航天工程
  • **伊薇特·皮尔森,哲学 & 宗教研究
  • Vic Colaizzi,艺术


  1. 确定其他实践社区
  2. Identify resources needed to develop an IF-CR-related Cop
  3. Identify assessment plan(s) for determining effectiveness of CoPs
  4. Develop interactive online resource to facilitate collaboration


  • Cheryl Honeycutt(主席),护理QEP小组
  • Jaewan Yoon, QEP小组,民用 & 环境工程
  • Vanessa Panfil, Sociology and 刑事司法 (2022 only)
  • **伊薇特培生,哲学QEP主管 & 宗教研究


  1. Host faculty forums to introduce QEP topic to university stakeholders and gather feedback during forums
  2. Find and review similar QEPs at other institutions to assist in determining potential QEP evaluator
  3. 与专题研究委员会分享研究结果
  4. 审查讲习班和缔约方会议委员会的提案


  • Brendan O' halln(2021年主席),公共事务 & 媒体关系
  • *刘宇平-汤普金斯(2022年主席),市场营销
  • *罗德·格雷厄姆,社会学 & 刑事司法
  • *David Gauthier,生物学
  • *Marissa Jiminez, QEP顾问委员会
  • 凯特琳·钱德勒,大学传媒
  • 泰勒·米勒-戈登,《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 & 评估
  • 艾米·马茨克-福塞特,艺术系 & 信通信
  • **Remica Bingham-Risher,制度有效性 & 评估


  1. 确定特定于QEP的技术需求
  2. Write QEP document section pertaining to uses of technology to facilitate successful deployment of QEP


  • Megan Mize(主席),高影响力实践中心
  • 通讯部的艾莉森·利岑迈尔
  • 安·库姆,我是英语语言中心的
  • 海伦·克朗普顿,教学 & 学习
  • 克里斯汀·尼克尔,学习中心 & 教学
  • 蕾切尔·克罗克特,信息技术服务部
  • *Vukica Jovanovic,工程技术
  • Noah Glaser, STEM教育 & 专业的研究
  • **Remica Bingham-Risher,制度有效性 & 评估


  1. 发展学生学习成果
  2. Develop university assessment plan for QEP implementation


  • 丹·理查兹(主席),英语
  • Kelsey Orsini,学生代表
  • Kelsey Kirland,《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 & 评估
  • 劳伦·埃奇勒,哲学 & 宗教研究
  • 魏优素福,公共服务
  • 大卫·雪莉,《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 & 评估
  • **Remica Bingham-Risher,制度有效性 & 评估


  1. 审查和分析机构数据
  2. Review findings and conclusions from 局部的研究 and 结果 and 评估 committees
  3. Assist in development of rollout and structure of faculty workshops
  4. 审查支持讲习班所需的预算和资源.g.、教员津贴)


  • *Elko Klijn(主席),管理
  • *詹妮弗·基德,教育
  • *Anne Perrotti,《最靠谱的网赌软件》 & 特殊教育
  • 克丽丝蒂·科斯特洛,英语
  • 玛丽·贝丝·彭宁顿,写作安置主任 & 支持
  • 安·库姆,我是英语语言中心的
  • **伊薇特·皮尔森,哲学 & 宗教研究
  • **Remica Bingham-Risher,制度有效性 & 评估


  1. 在可比较的机构研究类似的QEP项目
  2. Write QEP document section pertaining to budget and related resource needs


  • **伊维特·皮尔森(主席),哲学 & 宗教研究
  • **Remica Bingham-Risher,制度有效性 & 评估
  • Megan Corbett,制度效率 & 评估


  1. 撰写最终的QEP叙述
  2. Compile component narratives provided by other QEP committees


  • *伊维特·皮尔森(主席),哲学 & 宗教研究
  • Kelsey Orsini,学生代表
  • **Remica Bingham-Risher,制度有效性 & 评估
  • 大卫·雪莉,《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 & 评估
  • Megan Corbett,制度效率 & 评估

更多2023 QEP信息


ODU news article about the new QEP process, which coincides with ODU's reaffirmation process.




Click download to get information from the April QEP Town Hall. 

领导 & 指导团队

Assists Committee 成员 to look at the impact of the previous QEP on teaching and learning at 最靠谱的网赌软件, serve as ambassadors for the QEP process to campus constituents, help solicit potential QEP topics from colleagues in their colleges/units, 确定一个新的主题,并设计一个实施计划.


"I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as the faculty lead for this grassroots initiative to develop 最靠谱的网赌软件's (ODU) next QEP. 作为ODU第一个成功的QEP的受益者, 提高学科写作水平, I am excited about augmenting our ability to collectively enhance students' learning experiences. I look forward to exploring the many possible ways of addressing students' most urgent learning needs with colleagues across the university and to fostering university-wide collaboration as we develop and implement our QEP for 2023."


"I'm excited to see how we can continue to shape and shift student learning. I'm personally interested in reflection as a means of processing experiences, as I've seen just how asking others to reflect on their learning can help them evaluate and apply what they've experienced. 我曾与参与QEP的教师合作过: 提高学科写作水平 Workshops and Action Projects to help design assignments that prepare students for life beyond ODU, that ask them to imagine how what they've learned in their courses will be useful to them well beyond their time with us. I'm excited and hopeful that our next QEP will continue to use the faculty development model that's been so successful and broaden the scope of our student learning endeavors. 我们正在从头开始, so I look forward to what our campus community will develop together."


"I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as the faculty lead for this grassroots initiative to develop 最靠谱的网赌软件's (ODU) next QEP. 作为ODU第一个成功的QEP的受益者, 提高学科写作水平, I am excited about augmenting our ability to collectively enhance students' learning experiences. I look forward to exploring the many possible ways of addressing students' most urgent learning needs with colleagues across the university and to fostering university-wide collaboration as we develop and implement our QEP for 2023."


"I'm excited to see how we can continue to shape and shift student learning. I'm personally interested in reflection as a means of processing experiences, as I've seen just how asking others to reflect on their learning can help them evaluate and apply what they've experienced. 我曾与参与QEP的教师合作过: 提高学科写作水平 Workshops and Action Projects to help design assignments that prepare students for life beyond ODU, that ask them to imagine how what they've learned in their courses will be useful to them well beyond their time with us. I'm excited and hopeful that our next QEP will continue to use the faculty development model that's been so successful and broaden the scope of our student learning endeavors. 我们正在从头开始, so I look forward to what our campus community will develop together."



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