

君主的方式 & 诺福克第47街

A versatile outdoor space, the 布洛克共用 provides a blank canvas for your event. The open-air atmosphere is perfect for cultural festivals, 公共艺术展览和示范, 弹出式的表演, 和更多的. 布洛克共用 is governed by additional noise ordinances and maintenance procedures.


  • 咨询
  • 讲台/讲台
  • Microphone(s) + 放大声音 (Additional labor fee)
  • 舞台灯光(额外人工费)
  • LED广告牌

租金及规则 & 规定

租赁方案 包括使用 商业 非营利性的 ODU部门
布洛克共用 音响设备









Additional per hour fee will be charged for any additional time in venue past booking.

服务性动物是唯一允许进入大学建筑的动物,他们需要适当的文件来说明他们的服务性动物角色. 看到 最靠谱的网赌软件 教育的可访问性 webpage 有关服务性动物的更多信息.

动物 outside on campus are required to follow City of Norfolk regulations, 主人必须清理宠物的粪便.

Amplified sound is permitted at 布洛克共用 during the following times: Sunday through Thursday, 早上9点到晚上10点, & 周五到周六,上午9点到晚上11点.

Amplified sound is not permitted during the week of exams in December and April/May. 声级不得超过100dB.


布洛克公共场所的活动处理价值1美元的现金,000 or more require one ODU police officer for the specific cash handling location. 预期处理少于$1的事件,000 cash on site will not require an ODU police officer at the cash handling location.

为了预定布洛克公共场所的活动, 组织, 部门, 公司需要签署一份租赁合同/协议,承认预订的条款和条件.

ODU 学生组织 are not allowed to sign contracts, and must follow 大学关于合同的政策.

大学院系必须遵循 University and Departmental policies regarding contracts with outside vendors.


Clean-up by Facilities Management will be assigned to an event if there is food at the event, or if there are more than fifty people anticipated to attend the event. Trashcans will be assigned at a ratio of one can per fifty people. 学生组织, 大学院系, 和非大学组织举办的活动在布洛克公地将被要求支付这些服务.

The scheduling department and/or Dean of Students may, 由他或她自行决定, require a greater number of event clean-up resources than stated above.

110-volt electrical power can be supported without cost at 布洛克共用. 额外的电气需求可能会被要求. 可能会收取额外费用, 包括一系列的发电机, 延长线, 以及行人安全设备.

Availability permitting, reservations at the 布洛克共用 include the use of four 6' tables. Additional tables and 椅子 can be requested through the 布洛克共用 reservation form, 或者通过外部承包商. 学生组织, 大学院系, 及非大学团体 will be responsible for the full cost of additional tables, 椅子, 和交付.

学生组织应联系领导和学生参与办公室协调设施需求. 各院系应通过MySchoolBuilding提交维修工作单,以协调设施需求. Non-University 组织 should contact an outside vendor to coordinate facility needs.


事件的帐篷, 暂存, 娱乐活动需要许可证才能使用, 因此, event reservations must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the event date. 完成的申请将逐案审查,以确定是否需要联邦许可证, as well as if item is suitable for the intended area, and/or if necessary support will be available to ensure the success of the event.

Additional event support services and/or materials will result in additional charges.

活动和节目是人们为了一个共同的目的而聚集在一起,可能需要多种后勤要求,比如一个讲台, 放大声音, 音频/视频的需求, 餐饮, 安全, 设施, 等.

The 布洛克共用 may be reserved by: 学生组织 sponsored by a University Department, 大学院系, 及非大学团体.

戏剧/音乐/舞蹈表演 are artistic in nature and may require advanced scenic, lighting, and audio-visual capabilities. 工作人员ing typically consists of a stage manager, board technicians, and additional 舞台上的手.

讲座/工作坊/会议 are informational in nature and may require basic lighting and audio-visual capabilities. 工作人员ing typically consists of necessary board technicians and a stage hand.

婚礼/典礼/招待会 是庆祝性质的,可能需要先进的风景,灯光和视听能力. 可能还会有额外的技术需求,以及各种各样的外部供应商. 工作人员ing typically consists of necessary board technicians, 舞台上的手, 以及可能的外部协调员.

排练 are minimal in nature and may require basic lighting and audio-visual capabilities. 工作人员通常由舞台手组成.

其他活动 是否会根据具体情况进行审查,并就是否可以预订活动提出建议.


任何大学设施内的任何有版权的电影, 除了一个私人宿舍房间, 除非获得放映影片的许可或收到版权所有者的特别许可,否则不能放映. This requirement is mandatory, regardless whether or not an admittance fee is charged.




Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at the 布洛克共用.

希望筹款的学生组织必须得到领导和学生参与办公室的批准. 筹款批准申请必须至少在活动前一周在Monarch Link上填写筹款批准申请. 每次筹款活动的总收益必须在活动结束后的两个工作日内报告给领导和学生参与办公室.

非大学团体需要一般责任险,并且必须将ODU作为指定被保险人,并具有以下最低限额和保险范围:1美元,000,000 for personal injury to or death of any one person, 或者不止一个人, 任何一次事故或灾难的结果, and include coverage for property damage and medical payments. 在确认预订之前,保险证书应交给布洛克共用设施经理.

在恶劣天气的时候, it is necessary for the University to close 设施 and curtail services. 当大学宣布正式关闭时, 晚开, 或取消学术课程, 然后取消所有活动.

大学领导层负责就校园运作的变化作出正式决定, 包括周末. When conditions exist that have not prompted the University to officially close, 但可能对某些作战区域构成风险, 建筑协调员(或设施的负责决策者)将对其设施中的事件做出独立的天气决策. 建筑协调员(或设施的负责决策者)负责应用与工作日相同的流程, 寻求必要的支持服务的投入, 促进适用的通知, and making reinstatement decisions if requested and with the safety of all in mind. (选自《最靠谱的网赌软件》)

Police officers are required for events at the 布洛克共用 as outlined below:

  0-49能力 50 - 249产能 250 - 499年的能力 500 - 999年的能力 1000 +能力
排练,信息表 0,除非另有规定 0,除非另有规定 0,除非另有规定 0,除非另有规定 0,除非另有规定
Speakers, Ceremonies, Receptions, Lectures, Workshops, Meetings 1 1 1 1 2
Performances, Festivals, Parties, Carnivals, Weddings, Ceremonies, Receptions 1 1 2 3 4


The scheduling department and/or the Dean of Students may, 由他或她自行决定, 在特定活动中需要比上述更多的警察或保安人员.

事件 requiring Police Officers also require a meeting with ODUPD. 该会议应在提交空间预订后不久举行,以便ODUPD为您的活动做准备. 日程安排部门必须在会议开始前至少两周收到ODUPD的确认,表明会议已经举行. If the meeting with ODUPD has not taken place prior to the two-week deadline, 活动将被取消.

学生组织应联系领导和学生参与办公室协调安全需求. 大学部门和非大学组织应联系ODU警察局,电话757-683-4003,以协调安全需求.


如果活动需要关闭人行道/道路, then a permit from the City of Norfolk is required after the space reservation is confirmed. 许可证申请和费用结构可在诺福克市公共工程网站上查阅.

露天火焰包括, 但不限于, 天空灯笼, 烤架, 校园里也不允许篝火. Candles are permitted for outdoor events only; candles are prohibited in all University buildings. For more information, contact the ODU Fire Marshal at 757-683-4003.


164 City of Norfolk metered spaces are available along W 41st St, 西43街, 西45街, 西46街, 西47街, 和君主大道,费率为0美元.25 per 15 minutes, enforced 8 AM to 8 PM, Monday through Saturday.

Metered spaces are available in the Constant Center North Garage adjacent to the 古德剧院, located between 西45街 and 西46街 at a rate of $0.25 per 10 minutes, enforced 7 AM to 10 PM, Monday through Friday.

另外, ODU 访问or Passes may be obtained from the 运输 and 停车 服务s office, located in the Elkhorn Avenue Garage on 西43街, 每天收费7美元. 这些通行证在通勤车中有效, 住宅, 和校园周边的停车场, 以及每天下午3点45分之后在教职工停车场.


Check out upcoming events at the 布洛克共用 and purchase tickets!