Education Topics

What is Consent?

  • “同意”指的是双方同意他们想要进行性行为.

  • Consent is the presence of the word "Yes". Silence is not consent.

  • 一个因酒精或毒品而丧失行为能力的人不能同意性行为.

Click below to see ODU's Discrimination policy:

Interpersonal Violence Prevention at ODU

Monarchs Make a Difference by:

1)在新生培训和宿舍学习预防知识. Click here to view our "Choices" orientation video.

2) Participating in the Green Dot Bystander Training.

3)每年10月和4月领导红旗运动和性侵犯宣传月的宣传活动. Email us to get involved.

Contact the Women's Center to learn more about getting involved,

Alcohol is the number one rape drug

  • 近90%的校园非陌生人性侵都与酒精有关.

  • 43%的性侵害事件涉及受害者饮酒,69%涉及施暴者饮酒.

  • 大多数校园袭击都是由一小部分连环强奸犯犯下的,他们经常利用酒精来促进犯罪.

Healthy Relationships

  • You are in a healthy relationship when each person:

  • Shares thoughts and ideas

  • Listens

  • Uses respectful language and gestures

  • Is honest

  • Is dependable

  • Believes their partner

  • Has support from friends and family

  • Has equal decision making power

  • Is emotionally supportive

  • Is peaceful

  • Respects privacy and boundaries

了解更多关于健康关系和关系暴力危险信号的信息 The Red Flag Campaign.

What can I do to stop interpersonal violence before it happens?

REP ODU and Practice Violence Intervention and Prevention!!!

What Every Monarch Can Do:

  • Speak out against sexist speech or jokes. Put downs set the stage for abuse.
  • Attend the Green Dot Bystander training.
  • Make sure everyone gets home safely.
  • Communicate your boundaries honestly and clearly.
  • 如果你感觉到某人有性虐待或关系虐待的危险,寻求帮助.

Don't wait for someone else to react. if you are worried for someone's safety, take action:

Check In: Are You OK?

Distract: Call their cell or ask, Don't I have class with you?

Separate: Is that your car being towed?

Get help: Find their friends. Notify the bartender/security or call 911!!

为你的兄弟会安排一个关于旁观者干预的技能培训工作坊, sorority, 学生小组或团队,加入我们,创造一个安全和尊重的最靠谱的网赌软件. Click Here

What is Sexual Assault?

  • 性侵犯是指个人或团体在未经他人同意的情况下发生的任何性行为.
  • Sexual assault can include, but is not limited to, sexual touching, groping, forced or coerced oral, vaginal or anal intercourse.
  • Sexual activity without consent is a violation of ODU's Discrimination Policy and Virginia law.

What does it look like on college campuses?

  • 五分之一的女大学生在本科期间会被强奸或强奸未遂. (2015 Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation Survey).
  • 90%遭受过强奸或性侵犯的大学女生认识她们的施暴者(Fischer, Culler, & Turner, 2000).
  • 只有12%的强奸案被报告给大学警察(基尔帕特里克等人). 2007). Most students only tell a friend.
  • Alcohol is the most common rape drug. 受害者或施暴者使用酒精并不能减轻施暴者对暴力行为的责任.
  • 而大多数性侵犯是由男性对女性实施的, rape occurs with same sex couples, married couples, and people of all ethnicities, incomes and ages.

Please know, if you are a survivor of sexual assault, you are not responsible for someone hurting you, regardless of what you were wearing, drinking or doing.

For more information on recovering from sexual assault: Get Help

What is Relationship Abuse/Violence? 虐待的目的是维持对伴侣的权力和控制,它可以采取多种形式:性虐待, psychological abuse, emotional abuse or financial abuse. Relationship abuse/violence affects both females and males, and does not discriminate by racial, social or economic background. 如果发生在学生之间,则违反了学生行为准则.


  • 嫉妒——经常打电话或发短信,不希望伴侣和别人在一起
  • 情感虐待——使用贬低、过度戏弄和总是找伴侣的错
  • 孤立——希望伴侣放弃她/他喜欢的活动
  • 胁迫——无视伴侣的意愿或需求,强迫伴侣做违背他们意愿的事情
  • 身体虐待和性虐待——抓或推伴侣,扔或打碎物品,强迫伴侣发生性行为
  • Blame- to avoid responsibility for his/her actions.

Click here 一个安全计划,帮助受害者打算离开施虐者.

What is Stalking?

跟踪是一种针对某人的行为模式,它会让一个理智的人感到恐惧. Stalking is a crime that can be committed against anyone, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or geographic location.

Am I Being stalked?

如果你觉得被别人不必要的关注威胁了,那可能是骚扰或跟踪. 跟踪者跟踪是为了强迫你和某个没空的人建立关系. 这种情况可能发生在分手后,也可能发生在某人想和一个没有自己吸引力的人约会时. Stalking can include:

  • 过度联系你(短信、电子邮件、电话、帖子等).)
  • Tracking your whereabouts through social media or friends
  • Sending you unwanted gifts
  • Following you
  • Threatening to harm you, your family, friends, or pets
  • Damaging your property
  • Using social media or email against you ( hate, obscene messages, hacking your computer or accounts, spamming, posting your pictures or messages online)

Stalking is a violation of Virginia law. 跟踪也可能升级为更大的暴力,如身体攻击或性暴力. If you think you are being stalked, seek support from campus police,757-683-4000 and the Women's Center, 757-683-4109.

考虑使用跟踪资源中心的跟踪事件日志来记录所有跟踪行为. Click here

Cyber stalking is a growing problem on US college campuses. Follow these tips for cyber safety when you go online:

  • Respect yourself and others; think before you hit send. 输入的文字或张贴在屏幕上的图片可以在几分钟内传播到很远的地方. They can cause significant and lasting harm.
  • Keep your private information, private. 永远不要在网上公布你的电话号码、地址或你的行踪.
  • Keep it clean. 向朋友发送不合适的照片或非法内容,可能会反过来困扰你.
  • Be real with your friends. 只接受你真正认识的人的好友请求,而不是朋友的朋友的朋友的朋友...
  • Take the tags off. 告诉你的朋友,在给你拍照或上传他们昨晚聚会上的自拍照之前,先征得你的同意.
  • For more information visit Halt Online Abuse.


Health concerns after an assault include:

  • Internal injuries
  • Pregnancy
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections

紧急避孕药具在学生健康服务中心(Student Health Services)非处方购买,价格为16美元. 医生可以在给你检查后开抗生素治疗感染和治疗损伤(收费)。.

如果您希望收集最近袭击的证据(在72小时内), with or without reporting the incident to the police, the YWCA's Response Program, 757-622-4300, will accompany you to the emergency room. 在那里,法医护士审查员可以从你的身体上收集证据,这些证据可以保存六个月,直到你决定是否要起诉. In order to preserve evidence that can be used in a court case, try not to eat, urinate, shower, change clothes or brush your hair. If you do change clothes, 把你当时穿的衣服装在纸袋里(不是塑料袋)作为证据。.

有关物理证据恢复套件(PERK)考试的更多信息,请访问 RAINN Network website.